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  • Writer's pictureAB Ventura

Moving Checklist

Moving can be a stressful experience, but with a good checklist and some planning, it can go much smoother. Here's a comprehensive checklist to help you through the process.


-> Budget.

-> Research and compare moving companies.

Schedule and Logistics:

-> Book your moving truck or moving company.

-> Schedule time off work for moving day (if necessary)

De-clutter and Pack:

-> Start sorting through your belongings and de-cluttering. Donate, sell, or recycle what you don't want or need anymore.

-> Gather packing supplies (boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, markers, etc.)

-> Pack an essentials box for moving day and your first night in your new home (clothes, toiletries, medications, phone chargers, etc.)

Before you move

Utilities and Services:

-> Contact your current utility providers to discontinue service at your old address and schedule connection at your new address (electricity, gas, water, internet, etc.)

Moving Day!!!!

-> Confirm the arrival time of your movers (if you hired one).

-> Stay hydrated.

-> Have plenty of water and snacks on hand for moving day.

Unpack and Settle In:

-> Unpack your essentials box first

-> Focus on unpacking one room at a time

As always, have a great move. We hope to see you soon!!! :)

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